„System Fleischindustrie“ – Novemberausgabe des anarchistischen Hörfunk Dresden

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Die Tierindustrie steht beispiellos für die Ausbeutung menschlicher-& nichtmenschlicher Lebewesen. Sie symbolisiert ökonomische Macht und politischen Einfluss, erklärt Tiere zu Produktionsmitteln und Waren und ist maßgeblich für die globalen Treibhausgasemissionen & den Klimawandel mit verantwortlich. Millionen von Menschen bekommen die Auswirkungen bereits jetzt am eigenen Leib zu spüren. Continue reading „„System Fleischindustrie“ – Novemberausgabe des anarchistischen Hörfunk Dresden“

Elephant in the Room – Interview on recent Protest in Poland #20

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Abortion in Poland was legal during Communism and became illegal (with a few exceptions) after the political shift to democracy. Since then, feminists have been active in resisting the abortion law but with little success in gaining public support or influencing legislation. This changed in 2016, when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in what became known as the Czarny Protest, or Black Protest.  It was a victory for the feminist movement and came as a surprise, especially after a similar proposal in 2011 received almost no public attention and failed to mobilise even within the feminist movement. We talked to activists from the antirepression structure and the Anarchist Black Cross Warsaw about the recent protest, how it changed the last four years, which difficulties big protest face and how the state try to repress the protest.

More information: Straijk Kobiet – womens strike

Kritische Blicke auf 30 Jahre „Wiedervereinigung“- Oktoberausgabe des anarchistischen Hörfunks Dresden

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30 Jahre ist es her, dass Deutschland offiziell wieder ein Staat ist. 30 Jahre ist es her das Familien vereint und die Stasi als Repressionsapparat eines autoritären Staates aufgelöst wurden. Seit 30 Jahren wird eine Geschichtsschreibung etabliert, die von der friedlichen Revolution erzählt und die Vereinigung als Erfolgsgeschichte schreibt.

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Elephant in the room – review and update on protest in belarus an interview #19

For two month people have been protesting in the street in Belarus.

The 9th of August was the election day and Lukashenko hoped to be reelected like in the past 5 election periods. But this didn´t happen. First time in his ruling period real results were published. And to no ones surprise Lukashenko didn´t achieve 80 % as he usually orders everybody to announce.

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Elephant in the Room – Feminist Union Organizers in Sri Lanka and Indonesia #18

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This show was inspired of the recent strikes in Bangladesh concerning the garment industry. Due to difficult labor conditions and a lack of enforced work safety regulation the textile industry and especially the workers in those factories are facing many problems. One year ago we conducted an interview with two women from Sri Lanka and Indonesia working in unions with a feminist and queerfeminist mindset. Dian and Chamilla paint us a picture of the fight they are fighting and tell us about the demands they are making in their unions. These two extrodinary women told us first hand about their experience with union work in the garment business, battling not only for minimum wages and fair working hours, but also about the obstacles they are facing trying to organize feminist unionwork in a deeply patriarchal society. Additionally, we talked about the relation between feminism and fair labor conditions.

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